Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Feeding the Ducks

We went to the park the other day to feed the ducks. You can see here that they seemed quite happy to see us. They came flying across the pond for our crumbs of bread.

A couple of them went right for the morsels in Jonah's hand, which spawned a discussion about whether or not geese have teeth.

So we went to the less threatening side of birdville to visit the ducklings.

These babies, poor things, didn't know enough to be afraid of my boys.

Here, my little men are contemplating what to do with them:

Thankfully, Andy decided that walking like a duck would be entertainment enough, so he waddled after them toward the pond.

I think Andy's going to make a great missionary. See how he makes himself all things to all people...and fowl?
He didn't even mind kneeling in the duck poop. What a well-rounded kid.

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